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Term break! / 0 comments (+)

I'm finally blogging in front of the screen again!
5 weeks of school has passed, and the holidays has just kicked in! I'm kinda half-hearted about it tho. Its like I'm psyched that I get to have a 3 week break from solving problems and having to do RJs. I'm also excited to be back at camp for work, as well as go on a short getaway with the family! The down turn, however, is I've internship preparatory. I still find it ridiculous that we're required to be in business wear. I mean, I know its for our future interview and stuff. The term "Internship Preparatory" is rather self-explanatory already anyway heh. Anyway. Apart from that, UTs start right when school re-opens. This calls for major full fletched revisions and stuff. I rlly gotta work my bottoms off to ace my UT 1 and increase my cumulative GPA. No doubt UT is a definitely pressure righr now. Lets hope I pull thru, insyaAlllah. 

Things have been the usual roller coaster ride with a couple of loop-de-loops but I think I'm coping well with them all. (Key word: I THINK!) The current predicament though. Its pretty frustrating at times, yes. But nay, I ain't gonna fallllllll. (HAHA this sounds so drama mama) 

Clock's ticking at 0:22am and I'm pretty darn sure I'm supposed to be snuggling in bed. And thats exactly what Im'manbe doing now hehe. Goodnight y'all. Till the next entry!

x, Nurfa.

Our Date. / 0 comments (+)

Went on a simple date at Botanical Garden with my favorite boy.
We managed to get a couple of photos.
The best experience would probably be coming across this friendly yet mischievous monkey who stole our coca cola and green tea. The only reason we got over it was cos  the monkey was being so cute, beyond extreme! I couldn't stop staring at the monkey. He/She (or it, perhaps) tore the black rubbish bag and rummage for food to eat. That was definitely the first time I saw such things happening right before my eyes! 

Anyway. I really had a splendid day. Finally some quality times together, and time off from school! :) Definitely up for more adventures (or dates, he calls them) in time to come, insyaAllah!

x, Nurfa. 

Everything is going to be okay.
Allah knows best. 

x, Nurfa. 


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