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Rant Entry: School / 0 comments (+)

Well hello and hi there. 
Just like the title says, this is gonna be a rant about school
The sixth week has past and Alhamdulillah things are pretty okay and I am coping! (well, kinda)
Took T271 Photography UT last week. Oh my, I honestly have never thought that photography could be so 'chim' and so complicated. My initial thoughts on photography were initially just y'knw, setting a proper ISO, shutter speed, aperture and SNAP - a pretty image on your viewfinder! But NOOOO its more than just that sigh. 9 more weeks of photography, (technically 9 lessons heh) and 2 more T271 UTs and I am done, woohoo! Had S225 Leisure Planning and programming UT last week as well. A summary of the 45mins spent for the UT: SCREWED UP. ha ha ha :') I have no idea what I was thinking or what am I so bothered with that I messed up the whole UT. 

So, 2 UTs down, and am left with 3. I'm pretty prepared for Sociology as well as Health and Wellness. Business statistics is probably the killer. Managed to make my Sunday a productive one. Studied the formulas and applications, and I managed to make notes despite how tedious it was to put the proper formula on microsoft office. Am rlly praying hard that the next 9 weeks of school + 13 UTs will be a breeze, insyaAllah. This semester has got to be the most dry semester with a whole lot of theories but I will push on! 
As all the DOALers have said, "Life is tough, we are tougher."

Till next time, have a great December y'all! 

x, Nurfa. 


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